Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Days Gone By - Mark Gibson

Here is a taste of things to come. This is a short film by Mark Gibson of The Outsiders featuring footage back in 1998.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Moving forward

outsiders 2003
We are well in to the new year and the summer seems just a round the corner, but we are slowly progressing with the project. Jim is putting his skills to work and now has all 3 copies of the Outsiders VHS tapes and is currently editing the old stuff, with unseen footage. I am off to see Paul Crawley to collect a box full of old 35mm negs, that were taken around 94/95 of us at Mill Lane and down at the bandstand. We are still looking for old photos or video footage from anyone else and I'm sure there must be some gathering dust in old boxes somewhere. I'm also looking for people to submit some text about their memories of the time for the book I am making, so look out for an email soon.

I have just watched the Lakai documentary "The Final Flare" which has really inspired me to get my shit together, I recommend it to everyone, even you vert slashers :oD