Wednesday 14 October 2009

Thursday 1 October 2009

Update, news and Lance Mountain

Craig Scott - Backside Wallride 1
Ok so the summer is over and I thought I'd better fill you in on what's been happening. So James and I have still been hunting for footage and shooting some new bits and pieces for the project. Unfortunately, as this is an unpaid side project and we have to eat, our deadline seems to be coming up fast and to be realistic, we are way behind schedule. After a beer and a long discussion, we have decided to let the work dictate the deadline and once we have everything in place, then we will focus on the exhibition. Sorry :o(

In other skate related news, I shot the above photo of Craig for the new lovenskate advert that will feature in this months Sidewalk Surfer magazine. Sneak peak here

Speaking of Craig, check out this photo of Lance Mountain at the Flip premiere in London. Stoked.

Friday 21 August 2009

Tom's Ramp Jam

The Outsiders teamed up with the Road Kill boys at Tom's ramp on wednesday for a mini ramp session in the sun. A great time was had by all and we ended off the night with a BBQ, telling tales about old 80's skaters. Shame Salba didn't turn up :oD more photos here

Wednesday 22 July 2009

Head Shots

As part of the Outsiders project and for the book, I am taking a series of portraits of everyone as they are now. For 2 reasons really 1 I thought it would be a good side project for me and 2 to fill some space in the book as the content is still a little thin :oD So Mr Godley here was my first test subject and has set the standard, with his boyish good looks. Look out for my call/email soon.

Wednesday 15 July 2009


Gav sent me this picture from a road trip back in 1993, er, well, what can I say? :oD

Friday 22 May 2009

Monday 11 May 2009

Sunday 5 April 2009

Swalecliffe Skate Day 11th April 2009

gavin bush
The below game of S.K.A.T.E has been moved to the 11th April and that just happens to be the day Jim is down with his camera, seeking out some new footage for the Outsiders DVD. It would be cool to see as many people down for a skate and to catch up on old times.

Monday 30 March 2009

Get Your Bron On

So rain stopped play at the Bron Swalecliffe S.K.A.T.E session, but so I've been told a fun time was had at the NCP car park in Margate. Hopefull
y a new time and date will be coming soon and we can all prey for better weather. Speaking of the Bron check out this sick little video, featuring our favourite Thanet boy Mr Dave Edwards.

EDIT - Photos from NCP session here.

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Will skate for food

the outsiders - blog
I have just come back from Margate after taking Seth to visit his great Aunty and I took him via Mill Lane to show him where we used to hang out. I'm pretty sure he was extremely impressed, but being only a year and a half he only managed an "all gone now" after finishing his yogurt covered raisins :oD anyway, the project is coming along well, getting the last of Paul Crawleys images this week and am trying to sort out a day to meet up with Jim and Gib to go through everything we have collected so far. So keep checking the blog for more news and info.

Jim also sent me a link to a rad video from 1991 around the South Bank, Shell Center and Meanwhile - South Bank Video

And if you haven't seen it already, check out the Steve Rocco documentary - The man who souled the whole world

Friday 6 March 2009

Voltron Tour - James Reed

In the summer of 2006 The Outsiders took a road trip to Cornwall to skate new and old spots in the sunshine. This was the first time in many years we had all hooked up and James was there to document the fun.

Monday 2 March 2009

Footage update

I had an excellent weekend meeting up with Paul Crawley to scan in a box full of negs that he had taken around 1994/95. There were so many good shots, that brought back a lot of memories. The one above in particular, has anyone seen or heard from Paul Dobson? Please let me know.

Still going strong

Gav - Unit 1 - Front Smith
I hooked up with Gav last week and it was really cool to see him ripping up the Unit 1 bowl and keeping the Outsiders spirit alive. I also notice on Leon's facebook status that he was making the most of the sunshine and skating down at Swalecliffe. This made me think we should organise a day to all meet up for a skate. I was thinking around the Easter holidays, maybe down at Swalecliffe? I will post on facebook and see who is up for it. This will also be a good oppurtunity for Jim to get some extra footage for the film.

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Days Gone By - Mark Gibson

Here is a taste of things to come. This is a short film by Mark Gibson of The Outsiders featuring footage back in 1998.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Moving forward

outsiders 2003
We are well in to the new year and the summer seems just a round the corner, but we are slowly progressing with the project. Jim is putting his skills to work and now has all 3 copies of the Outsiders VHS tapes and is currently editing the old stuff, with unseen footage. I am off to see Paul Crawley to collect a box full of old 35mm negs, that were taken around 94/95 of us at Mill Lane and down at the bandstand. We are still looking for old photos or video footage from anyone else and I'm sure there must be some gathering dust in old boxes somewhere. I'm also looking for people to submit some text about their memories of the time for the book I am making, so look out for an email soon.

I have just watched the Lakai documentary "The Final Flare" which has really inspired me to get my shit together, I recommend it to everyone, even you vert slashers :oD